Recent updates from the Kiflo team

New feature
30 April 2023

Prospection pipeline

Keeping track of potential partners you are actively prospecting on a new dedicated Kanban board:

Access the new page from the Partners top menu, then click on Prospection.

New feature
30 April 2023

Workflow action: Update partner

New action available on workflows: Update partner.

Example: Update the program the partner is in based on the number of deals registered last year

30 April 2023

New metrics about Meetings

A new metric is added on partners and programs: 

  • Meetings done: Number of meetings done for the partner or program

And 2 new properties are added on partners, which are automatically filled in by Kiflo:

  • Last meeting date: Date of the last meeting done with the partner (excluding meetings with status canceled, rescheduled, or no show)
  • Next meeting date: Date of the next meeting (in the future) scheduled with the partner
30 April 2023

Auto-save notes as draft

Notes are automatically saved as drafts, without clicking on Save button.

Whether you refreshed the page, closed your browser, or restarted your computer, you'll never lose notes again! Just open the page again, and restart where you left off.

New feature
30 April 2023

Workflow trigger: Program metrics changed

A new trigger is available: whenever a metric is recomputed on a program, execute the workflow.

Example: Create a task and assign it to the channel manager responsible for the program, when the program does not fulfill the targets (ie: revenue generated, leads submitted, etc) for the past quarter.