Recent updates from the Kiflo team

New feature
27 February 2023

Workflow action: Create task

You can now create tasks automatically within workflows! 

Example: When a partner enters a new partner program, create a task for the channel manager in charge of this partner program. 

27 February 2023

Save columns with views

Defining your own custom views is great for quickly accessing the data you need. But it's even better if you can customize the columns, per view

This is now possible, we save the chosen columns and keep their order within each view.

New feature
27 February 2023

Impersonate partners

Impersonate any partner user and connect on their partner portal. It's especially useful if you need to:

  • Validate recent changes in the partner portal configuration
  • Do business reviews with partners and avoid disclosing other partners' data

In order to access this feature:

  • Open a partner's page
  • Go to the Team tab
  • Click on the user you want to impersonate
  • Click on "Open partner portal"

New feature
27 February 2023

Log meetings

Keep track of meetings done with partners or leads in Kiflo to better track partner activities.

Here are some examples:

  • A channel manager logs a quarterly review meeting on a partner
  • A partner logs meetings done with a potential client on a deal

 You can log manually log meetings on: Partners, Leads, and Deals.

Coming soon: Native integration with Google Calendar to automatically pull meetings!

New feature
29 December 2022

Metrics on partners

Tracking partner activities is one of the main goals of Kiflo. We've added new metrics columns on partners and they are automatically computed by Kiflo.

Here is what you can do with metrics:

  • Find top-performing partners to help hone in on your Ideal Partner Personas (IPPs). 
  • Find low-performing partners so you can develop a strategy for partner activation and engagement. 
  • Find which partners submitted the most leads, the most leads that converted, which partners still need payouts, etc. 
  • Share key data points with your team and execs to ensure alignment and buy-in. 

Simply navigate to your Partner page and click Edit Columns to add metrics to your view.