Recent updates from the Kiflo team

4 months ago

Share news to partners in groups

Sometimes you need to share news with some partners only. For instance, partners in a specific region. It's now possible to share news per group.

The news will be visible to all partners in the selected groups only!

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New feature
4 months ago

Customize deal cards

Customize properties visible on deal cards to keep track of important information like MRR or expected close date.

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New feature
23 November 2023

Metrics: Filter partners by metrics

It's now possible to filter partners on all metrics and all periods!

Example: Do you want to find all partners who did not submit leads for the last quarter? Filter on metric "Submitted leads" for the period "Last quarter" as follows:

23 November 2023

Metrics: New partner metrics on deals

We've added 3 new metrics, automatically computed, to help you track partners' performances on deals:

  • Assigned deals: The number of deals the partner was assigned to during the given time period
  • Open deals: The number of open deals (not closed) over the given time period
  • Open deal sum: The sum of all open deals during the given time period