Recent updates from the Kiflo team

New feature
3 years ago

Write news as HTML 💡

Enrich the content of your News with formatting, links, and provide a better experience to your partners.

New feature
3 years ago

New filter capabilities on all properties 

We have released a more powerful version of filtering on Kiflo!! You can now use this filter on properties, partners, leads, deals, transactions, and customers.

To learn more look at this video:

3 years ago

Improved Stripe Integration 

If you have integrated with Stripe, Kiflo will now automatically retrieve the Stripe customer ID and the Stripe charge ID and saves them on the corresponding Customer & Transaction in Kiflo.

Also, Kiflo matches customers using the Stripe customer ID and not only email addresses. Allowing multiple customers with the same email address. Furthermore, Kiflo can pull in the statement descriptor on each payment as the transaction name. 

New feature
3 years ago

New Zapier trigger: Deal Accepted/Deal Refused 🤩

We have added a new trigger in Zapier that allows you to use deal accepted and deal refused as a trigger.


New feature
3 years ago

New Program Setting: Allow Partners to Update Deals

There is a new setting on all partner program settings to allow partners in the program to update deals (or not). 

For referral partners, tenants can now allow them to see deals, but in read-only mode. 

In order to access these settings, please go to Programs > Select a program > Settings.