Recent updates from the Kiflo team

New feature
09 October 2022

Multiple onboarding pipelines

If you are working with multiple types of partners, for sure the way you onboard them is different! That's why we've improved the onboarding pipeline: Define multiple onboarding pipelines for all your different partner programs.

Read the documentation: here

Access the new partner onboarding page from the top Partners menu:

New feature
09 October 2022

Payout threshold

It is very common to only pay partners when they reach a minimum amount of rewards. That's why you don't want to create payouts if this minimum amount is not reached.

Use the new threshold field when creating payouts to only generate them if the sum of pending rewards is above the limit:

New feature
09 October 2022

Certifications module

Certifying partners is key to ensuring they are well-trained in your products and services. We've developed a brand new way of managing certifications on Kiflo.

Here's what's possible now:

  • Defining certifications with expiration dates
  • Giving certifications to team members (and not partners!)
  • Easily track who is certified and who should renew certifications

Read the documentation.

New feature
30 July 2022

New page to manage Team Members

We've added a new page dedicated to managing team members across all partners. Need to send invitations in bulk to all new partners? It's now possible!

New feature
30 July 2022

Read-only coworkers

If you wish to grant access to Kiflo to some users for consultation only, you can now create ready-only coworkers:

  • Go to the Manage page
  • Then, Team
  • And select the desired Role while creating a new coworker